Corporate Profile


Who We Are

  • Reso Engineering is a vanguard of innovative environmental engineering solutions, established in 2002 with a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship. Our expertise lies in deploying state-of-the-art technology to support industries in the responsible management of chemicals. With a robust history spanning over two decades, Reso Engineering has become synonymous with reliability and environmental responsibility in the engineering domain. Our team comprises seasoned experts who are not just employees but passionate advocates for a greener planet.


Innovative Leadership


Our leadership is characterized by a forward-thinking approach that champions environmental sustainability alongside technological advancement.


Expert Team


Each member is a specialist in their field, committed to delivering excellence and driving change for a greener industry.


Great Commitment


For over two decades, Reso Engineering has been a trusted name, adhering to the highest standards of environmental integrity and advocating for responsible industrial practices.


What We Do

  • At Reso Engineering, we specialize in crafting and executing comprehensive water treatment solutions tailored to the unique demands of various industries. Our advanced systems are engineered to efficiently remove precipitate solids and a wide array of pollutants from effluent water, ensuring that industrial processes meet and exceed environmental regulations. We provide an array of services, from consultation and design to installation and maintenance, delivering custom solutions that are both effective and sustainable. Our approach is holistic, focusing on the entire lifecycle of water, from intake to treatment and release.


Tailored Treatment System


Our systems are engineered to efficiently separate pollutants and precipitated solids from wastewater, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.


Comprehensive Service


Reso Engineering offers a full suite of services encompassing consultation, system design, installation, and ongoing maintenance.


Integrated Processes


We enable our clients to minimize their ecological impact through systems that not only treat but also conserve water, embodying our commitment to resource sustainability.


Why We Exist

  • The essence of Reso Engineering’s existence is rooted in the belief that economic progress should not come at the expense of the environment. We exist to bridge the gap between industrial development and ecological sustainability. Our mission is to empower industries to operate responsibly while minimizing their environmental footprint. Through our advanced water treatment systems and environmental management strategies, we aim to lead the charge towards a sustainable future, ensuring that our children inherit a world where industry and nature thrive in harmony.


Advocating Industrial Responsibility


We exist to instil a sense of environmental duty in our clients, enabling them to achieve their industrial objectives without compromising ecological well-being.


Bridging Development and Ecology


We exist to demonstrate that industries can flourish while still preserving natural resources and protecting our planet for future generations.


Leadership in Sustainable Innovation


We believe in leading by example. Our existence is anchored in the commitment to drive innovation that aligns with sustainable development goals.