Local Authority Compliance

Are You
Facing These?

I do not know how to get Majlis Business License

I do not know how to get Majlis Business License

Majlis instructed me to get through DOE and DOSH to obtain my Majlis Business License

Majlis instructed me to get through DOE and DOSH to obtain my Majlis Business License

I have been summoned by DOE

I have been summoned by DOE

My production line was closed down by DOE/ DOSH

My production line was closed down by DOE/ DOSH

DOE asked me to submit a "Pemberitahuan Bertulis"

DOE asked me to submit a "Pemberitahuan Bertulis"


RESO has the capabilities to assist in getting the support letters from
highlighted authorities by the respective Majlis Perbandaran in Malaysia.

Department of Environment (DOE)

Department of Environment (DOE)

Below are submissions related to DOE compliances:

Siting of Industry Submission – For Majlis Compliances

  • A submission that shows an overview of a business inclusive of their pollution generation potential (Air, Wastewater and Schedule Waste), capacity and ways of handling the pollution potential
  • Siting of industry have to be submitted and obtain "Tiada Halangan" note from the DOE in order to apply for Majlis Business License

System Written Notification

  • In compliance of Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014 and Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009
  • A written submission that portrays the estimated/actual character of flue gas/ waste water generated by the factory, complete with control measure or treatment system to ensure the air emission or waste water discharge are meeting DOE’s requirement
  • A written notification needs to be submitted to the DOE for, newly built system, system upgrading or modification and system relocation
Department of Safety and Health (DOSH)

Department of Safety and Health (DOSH)

Below are submissions related to DOSH compliances:

JKJ 101 Submission

  • Notification of first occupancy of factory which includes, overall declaration of business activities, floor plans, side view plans, production area of intended factory and other related business information

JKJ 105 Submission

  • Notification in respect of permission to install machinery and issue the certificate of fitness in respect of, steam boiler, unfired pressure vessel and hoisting machine not being a hoisting machine driven by manual power
  • Generally, it is a declaration of individual equipment available in the factory which includes specifications and its dimensions in the factory plan drawing

Local Authority

To start a business in a location, a business license would need to be applied to its respective "Majlis Perbandaran" related to its location. When applying the Majlis Business License, it is common to be requested for support from various local authorities before the business license is being granted.