Miscellaneous Water Treatment System

Deionized Water    

Deionized Water

  • Deionized water or DI water is water that has been purified where the ion-exchange process is used in accordance with ASTM D1193.
  • Applications: Pharmaceutical companies, laboratories or manufacturing firm.
Reverse Osmosis System    

Reverse Osmosis System

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses partially permeable membrane to separate ions and molecules from drinking water.
  • Applications: Food industries, municipal water treatment, or wastewater treatment
Water Desalination    

Water Desalination

  • Water desalination involves the conversion of saline water to fresh water through distillation and reverse osmosis.
  • Applications: Drinking water
Potable Water Systems    

Potable Water Systems

  • Underground and surface water extracted is treated by aeration, chemical reaction and filtration system.
  • Applications: Drinking water, industrial water supply, or irrigation
Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment System    

Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment System

  • Ponding system or land application are used for POME treatment before discharged to the environment.
Rain Water Harvesting    

Rain Water Harvesting

  • Water collection from rainfall as a supplementary source of water supply for households, commercial and industrial premises.
  • Applications: Agricultural purposes or domestic uses